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A stormy sky with dark clouds in the background.

Northeast Florida is growing quickly. And since some of our new neighbors may be unfamiliar with how to prepare for hurricane season, we thought it might be helpful to pull together a few helpful facts and resources. 

When is hurricane season?

The Atlantic hurricane season stretches from June 1 to November 30. But tropical storms and even a few hurricanes have formed in every month of the year. 

How many storms occur during that time?

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) offers an annual hurricane prediction for the Atlantic basin, which includes the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. On average, Florida is affected by a tropical storm or hurricane once every three years.

What are some ways I can stay prepared?

Nassau County Emergency Management has a whole webpage dedicated to hurricane preparedness, including ways to prepare far ahead of time and what to do when a storm is approaching or has made landfall. And Wildlight’s very own Home Owners Association has put together an extensive Disaster Preparedness Guide that covers everything from floods to fires. Another excellent resource is this disaster supply kit checklist from

How can I stay up to date on hurricanes and tropical storms?

First, NOAA has a webpage that tracks every storm in the Atlantic. So you can see what’s brewing days before it gets close to Florida. And Nassau County has set up the opt-in AlertNassau service that will send you the latest updates on storms and other emergency situations via text, voice or email.

Why does northeast Florida experience so few hurricanes?

Northeast Florida has had fewer hurricane strikes in the last century than many other places in Florida. In fact, since 1851 (when people began to keep track of storm data) the region has been affected by a hurricane only once every six or seven years, with only one Category 3 storm and no Category 4 or 5 storms. Why so few? It’s a simple matter of geography. If you look at a map, you’ll see that the Atlantic coastline dips northwest, forming a sort of protected bay around the Jacksonville region. Just another confirmation that your decision to move here was a good one. 

Is Wildlight designed to withstand a hurricane?

Over the past decade, hurricane-resistant home design has advanced significantly. And Wildlight is one of the beneficiaries. All our homes are built to the latest standards for hurricane resiliency. And the community itself has been designed to manage large amounts of stormwater, greatly reducing the chance of flooding. 

No community or homebuilder can guarantee absolute invulnerability to storm damage. But with the steps we and our builders have taken, combined with Wildlight’s location on elevated land a few miles inland, you have a lot to feel good about. 

One last piece of advice

Keep in mind that you live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Like every other place, we sometimes have to contend with the extremes of nature. But just take some steps to prepare, take a deep breath, and go enjoy a sunny Florida day.

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